How To Plan a Romantic Evening: Everything You Need
For Hours of Erotic Enjoyment
It's commonly said that nurturing a loving relationship takes a lot of
hard work and dedication. Even the most promising romance can
begin to feel stale and stagnant if partners take each other for
granted. Instead of allowing that fresh, lustful feeling to
away as the mundane aspects of your daily lives take over, make sure to
plan quality time with your lover, renewing your interest in one
another and learning more about him or her as an individual.
If you feel like you just don't know where to begin when it comes to
romance, you're definitely not alone! Most of the paired-up
people I know feel as though they're facing a serious creative block
whenever they try to come up with some special way to shower their
partner with affection. Here are some tips for creating a
romantic and fun evening with lots of personal touches (and some
physical ones too)!
Set the Mood
Plan ahead. Let your lover know at least a few days in
that you want to spend some quality time with him or her. You
even send them a handwritten invitation, complete with your own line of
sappy or silly poetry (think: roses are red/violets are blue/please let
me spend/a sexy evening with you), plus the day and time you want to
begin your enchanted evening. A formal invitation will let
him or
her know that you really do have something very special planned.
The day of your romantic encounter, spend some time making sure that at
least one room of your home is free from clutter. You don't
anything to distract you during your date. Think of the
your girl- or boy-friend adores, then set out some candles and dim the
lights to create a more sensual atmosphere.
If your date begins at
mealtime, you can choose between funny and
fancy. Don't trust yourself to cook an elaborate meal?
That's okay. Get ahold of some Mama
(tasty pasta in sexy shapes), a jar of your favorite sauce (pesto is an
alleged aphrodisiac), a loaf of fresh bread, and the makings for a
simple salad (hold the onions), and within half an hour, you can pull
together a
delicious and devilish meal. If you have confidence in the
kitchen, keep in mind that oysters, lobster, and chocolate mousse are
all known for their romance-inducing properties.
You'll both enjoy dinner even more knowing that afterwards,
you can begin to devour each other. |
Time for a Romantic Game
If Old Wives' tales remind you not to go swimming immediately after a
meal, it's probably not a good idea to jump straight into bed either!
Remember, you're planning a sensual evening, not a marathon
the bedroom. Once you've finished dining, lead your lover
the room you've lit with deliciously scented candles, and introduce him
or her to a new romantic tradition -- a lover's
There are many types to choose from, but you don't need to be
intimidated. Allow me to give you a quick run-down of what's
available, and don't fret. Anything you choose is bound to be
pleasurable for the both of you!
Simple Sex Games
A pair of dice can take you to paradise and back with every toss.
are the perfect way to begin your evening of erotic
Each roll reveals different actions to perform on your lover,
leaving the two of you wanting more and more. Similarly,
are dice created just for men
or women
who want to indulge their oral fantasies. If you want to
selflessly please your partner, these dice are the perfect way to go!
You can also put a sexual twist on the popular children's game of
Memory with Lover's Match. This game contains dozens of pairs
cards depicting sensual foreplay activities. Turn them all
down on a table or on the floor, and take turns trying to match them
up. If you're lucky enough to get a pair, you both get to
whatever action the two cards dictate.
Advanced Sexual Adventures
If a deck of cards and a
pair of dice doesn't sound complicated enough
for your sophisticated tastes, there are plenty more games
from which
to choose. Since your evening is supposed to be all about
getting to
know each other better than ever, heat up your conversations with Fantasy
Cards Erotic Role-Playing Game.
You'll learn all about your partner's sexual fantasies so
that when it
comes time to jump into bed, you won't have any trouble knowing exactly
how to satisfy his or her every desire.
Do you want to do more than talk dirty? Get naughty with Climaxx,
the game that tests your control as you move through a variety of
erotic adventures. See if you can make it to the end without
having an
orgasm. Considering all the passionate positions and exciting
activities you'll have to endure along the way, this game is a real
challenge. The good news is that you'll soon realize that
using a
little control now will allow you to enjoy yourself even more later. |
Take a Sexy Bath
Now that you've enjoyed a delectable meal and the wonderful
anticipation of foreplay, steam things up with a sexy bubble bath or
shower. Fill your tub with deliciously scented
bubbles, then dive in for a relaxing and intimate
splash. Be prepared to fulfill every tub-time fantasy your
lover has with bath
oils, lotions, soaps, and powders.
Are things getting a little too steamy? Whip out a silly vibrating
sponge to lighten the mood. Since this sexy adult toy
shaped like a pair of kissable lips, you'll both be laughing as you
"kiss" every delicate part of each other's bodies.
If you'd rather take things in the opposite direction, invest in a
powerful waterproof
vibrator for the ultimate in bathtime arousal. The
wide selection of water-loving vibes allows you to choose one that will
satisfy your individual desires, whether you love g-spot,
or clitoral
stimulation. You won't want to get out of the tub!
You're almost ready for the final stop on your romantic adventure, so
wrap yourselves up in some luxurious, fluffy towels and head to the
bedroom to end your evening with a real bang!
Best Bets for the Bedroom
The bedroom may be the most popular place for making love, but it's
that way for a reason. Don't be afraid to be traditional as
you wind up your evening under the sheets. By now,
you've treated your partner to a scrumptious dinner, an erotic game,
and a steamy bath. You've taken the time to talk to him or
her about fantasies and secret pleasures, and you feel closer than
ever. You could both snuggle up and go to sleep right now,
and the evening won't have been wasted.
Or, you can get frisky one last time before you drift into dreamland.
See what you can remember from your earlier encounters and
use that information to find every pleasurable spot on your partner's
body. If you've discovered a shared fantasy like bondage,
temptations, or role-playing,
now is the perfect time to explore those desires even further.
End your delightful date on a high note, and you'll
dream of doing it all over again tomorrow.